Dear Cubists,
I'm sorry for not posting an update on the 5th, so I'll post the one for
the 10th a day early.
As it currently stands, I have submissions from 3 people, all Poles I
kIrFo with 131 twists,
Kate with 107--a new record,
and Remi who claims to have a 106 move solution but who didn't send the log!
Luckily the contest is not over until midnight on the 15th PST so he
will have time to correct that mistake and to win the contest and regain
his record. Of course Kate and everyone else will have the same chance
to make sure that doesn't happen, so we'll just have to wait and see!
It's been suggested that it might be more fun if the updates on the 5th
and 10th include only the ranked names but with the twist counts
withheld. I included the counts in this update because that was the
agreement at the beginning of the contest but we can change that for
next time if most people agree. Just let me know if you would prefer the
Some reminders: First, please only send your submissions to MagicCube4D
at Superliminal dot com so that I can better manage them. I reserve the
right to reject submissions that do not comply with all of the
requirements. Second, please only name your files and submission email
exactly c1s2-name.log for *each* submission to the contest, with "name"
replaced by your first name or nickname. The next contest will involve
names with c2s2-name.log, etc. Be sure to attach your logs and not just
insert the text.
Good luck to all!