During solving for competition I notice one thing:
Macros on 2^4 has serious BUG!!! which is very annoying and driving me craz=
Then you are doing macro everything looks fine (I can performe macro wherev=
er I want - it's depending only from 3 ref. stickers) but only to the first=
closing the program...
Reference stickers (atfer closing program) change or it's better to say tha=
t macro is changed...
I'm clicking 3 reference stickers and I get algorithm but the effect is in =
totally difrrent place!
Basicly it considers macros with clicking CTR+face... But not only...
SOmetimes it looks like the macros are in 5D style (you can do them only in=
one place so you must change the cube orientation) (SO I'm using a lot of =
(CLick+1+2) moves (which are not counted... BUT AT THE END DRIVES ME REALLY=
CRAZY because every time I must Learn the orientation of whole cube)
Macros should be done everywhere and depending on 3 reference stickers!
(now they are depending from posistion of cube (current position when you a=
re doing macro) and stickeres in very mixed way... )
Ok, to conclude:
Making macro should be done in absolute corespondence to the 3 ref. sticker=
s (NOT the actual orientation of the whole cube during making the macro or =
present oreintation - yeah it's also serious complication)=20
I think the problem is in redefining the reference stickers.
Check this: Use this macro on the new opened cube... Next just dragg the c=
ube to the diffrent reoorientation and aply macro again... it will be in di=
ferent place...
@4C@(4 14 4 14 4 14) 416:-1 022 510 622 622 516 622 510 622 516
04 510 622 210 64 516 622 216 410:-1.
I don't have to tell that when I was doing this macro the original place of=
this mixed sticers was different...
I tried to use other combination of ref. stickers (on one face, on differe=
nt faces) but it is no use...
Best regards,
Ps. It would be nice if I could make macro from others macros...
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