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I' ve solved 2^5. It was ridicilously HARD! It's partly because I made so m=
any mistakes...
Sometimes I even couldn't believe how I've managed with 3^5!!!
Again, when I had more moves than posted solution I gave up so in my soluti=
on there's no efficiency.
With the last pieces I understood some things so... Believe me I had some m=
ixed things in my mind next solve should be: easy and quick. I hope!\
I'm so terrible with 5C pieces...=20
I used too little macros. (In fnish I made some very nice - not in moves bu=
t in effect)
I can't believe that I spend so much time on this...Next 2^5 will be in a f=
lash ;) I think ;)
Few notes:
-controling is nice (but there should be better way to chage mode "changing=
view"/"twists" maybe Using SHIFT or clicking and unclicking Caps Lock,
-VIEW... hmmm. I'm mentioned this after 3^5... Default view isn't very good=
and it's scarry for almost everybody. Changing parameters don't give good =
result because newcomers don't know what to look for. There should be 3 def=
aults views (change parameteres of view and using the same macro you get so=
mething DIFFRENT on screen although views are very similiar (Perpective 5D =
and 4D). It's really hard to compare situations...
My view is close to that from 4D (http://genezis.autko.net/5D).
Maybe we all should suggest few views and on forum choose the best... It wo=
uld really help future users.
Ps. Parameters can give you very strange effects (here are solved cubes htt=
p://genezis.autko.net/Fun5D/ )
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