Thread: "by the way..."

From: <>
Date: Thu, 27 Jul 2006 16:47:04 +0200
Subject: by the way...

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Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

I still haven't finished my 2^4 course :| It's on polish (but I want to tra=
nslate this) -I invented new notation for 2^4 (it's very good for my algs) -main

(FACE^surface) <- first we choose FACE, next we click on it's surface righ=
t click (F^u, R^l , D^r, etc)
(FACE^surface') <- first we choose FACE, next we click on it's surface lef=
t click (F^u', R^l', D^r', etc)

I'm using my algs basing on oll's from fridrich system : http://genezis.aut=

Oh, one more thing:

When we have situations like:

R^r, R^r' , U^u, U^u' ,.....we WRITE this as:
R , R' , U , U ,....=20

I have amlost only that kind of twists so my notation is very simple. ( algorithms)=20

What do you think about this?

Atention : this pages are not finished, there will be different pictures, I=
used U^u in page with algorithms, T-top (instead ANA <- I prefer this name=
), and there is lack of Whole page with situations, preliminary moves, etc.=

Ok. that's all for now...

Keep hypersolving,


(Ps. Melinda, I will give You link for my page in few days (to link this wi=
th my name), so don't bother with linking this adress)
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Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable



I still haven't finished my 2^4 course :| It's on polish (but I want t=
translate this) -I invented new notation for 2^4 (it's very good for my=20


age -main



(FACE^surface)  <- first we choose FACE, next we click on it's=
surface right click (F^u, R^l , D^r, etc)

(FACE^surface')  <- first we choose FACE, next we click on it'=
surface left click  (F^u', R^l', D^r', etc)


I'm using my algs basing on oll's from fridrich system : href=3D"">http://genezis.autko.n=


Oh, one more thing:


When we have situations like:


R^r, R^r' , U^u, U^u' ,.....we WRITE this as:

  R   ,  R'  ,  =20
U  ,  U    ,.... 


I have amlost only that kind of twists so my notation is very simple.<=

t/RemiQPage/alg.htm (=20



What do you think about this?


Atention : this pages are not finished, there will be different pictur=
es, I=20
used U^u in page with algorithms, T-top (instead ANA <- I prefer this na=
and there is lack of Whole page with situations, preliminary moves, etc...<=



Ok. that's all for now...


Keep hypersolving,





(Ps. Melinda, I will give You link for my page in few days (to link th=
with my name), so don't bother with linking this=20

12px Courier New, Courier,; padding: 3px; background: #ffffff;=
color: #000000">----------------------------------------------------------=

PS. Fajny portal... >>> h=


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