Wolfgang W=FCrfel
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this is to announce that roice managed to get slashdot to publish a
blurb about our puzzle. good job roice! it's generating lots of
interest. browse to to see the
blurb and be sure to scroll to the bottom to see the discussion
i highly recommend that you read the posts and freely answer any of
many questions people have asked.
one common complaint is that the pages can appear black on black. or
black on near black which is of course unusable. one person mentioned
they were using the opera browser. looking at the html i see that the
page clearly specifies black text on a middle gray background which i
think *should* give decent results to anyone. i don't want to change
background color because that would mean lots of image editing and
changing the puzzle itself. i am however willing to change the text
color if there's a better choice, and i definitely want to update the
html if i've done something badly. please let me know if you have any
finally, i noticed that someone posted a LEGO Mindstorms solution to
original plastic 3D version at
seems that you just scramble the cube, stick it into his machine and
"go". some time later the cube is solved. and some people accuse *us*
having too much time on our hands!!
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