package com.superliminal.util;

* Implements very fast dictionary storage and retrieval.
* Only depends upon the core String class.
* @author Melinda Green - © 2010 Superliminal Software.
* Free for all uses with attribution.

public class TrieMap {
* Implementation of a trie tree. (see
* though I made it faster and more compact for long key strings
* by building tree nodes only as needed to resolve collisions.
* Each letter of a key is the index into the following array.
* Values stored in the array are either a Leaf containing the user's value or
* another TrieMap node if more than one key shares the key prefix up to that point.
* Null elements indicate unused, I.E. available slots.

private Object[] mChars = new Object[256];
private Object mPrefixVal; // Used only for values of prefix keys.

// Simple container for a string-value pair.
private static class Leaf {
public String mStr;
public Object mVal;
public Leaf(String str, Object val) {
mStr = str;
mVal = val;

public TrieMap() {

public boolean isEmpty() {
if(mPrefixVal != null) {
return false;
for(Object o : mChars) {
if(o != null) {
return false;
return true;

* Inserts a key/value pair.
* @param key may be empty or contain low-order chars 0..255 but must not be null.
* @param val Your data. Any data class except another TrieMap. Null values erase entries.

public void put(String key, Object val) {
assert key != null;
assert !(val instanceof TrieMap); // Only we get to store TrieMap nodes. TODO: Allow it.
if(key.length() == 0) {
// All of the original key's chars have been nibbled away
// which means this node will store this key as a prefix of other keys.
mPrefixVal = val; // Note: possibly removes or updates an item.
char c = key.charAt(0);
Object cObj = mChars[c];
if(cObj == null) { // Unused slot means no collision so just store and return;
if(val == null) {
return; // Don't create a leaf to store a null value.
mChars[c] = new Leaf(key, val);
if(cObj instanceof TrieMap) {
// Collided with an existing sub-branch so nibble a char and recurse.
TrieMap childTrie = (TrieMap)cObj;
childTrie.put(key.substring(1), val);
if(val == null && childTrie.isEmpty()) {
mChars[c] = null; // put() must have erased final entry so prune branch.
// Collided with a leaf
if(val == null) {
mChars[c] = null; // Null value means to remove any previously stored value.
assert cObj instanceof Leaf;
// Sprout a new branch to hold the colliding items.
Leaf cLeaf = (Leaf)cObj;
TrieMap branch = new TrieMap();
branch.put(key.substring(1), val); // Store new value in new subtree.
branch.put(cLeaf.mStr.substring(1), cLeaf.mVal); // Plus the one we collided with.
mChars[c] = branch;

* Retrieve a value for a given key or null if not found.

public Object get(String key) {
assert key != null;
if(key.length() == 0) {
// All of the original key's chars have been nibbled away
// which means this key is a prefix of another.
return mPrefixVal;
char c = key.charAt(0);
Object cVal = mChars[c];
if(cVal == null) {
return null; // Not found.
assert cVal instanceof Leaf || cVal instanceof TrieMap;
if(cVal instanceof TrieMap) { // Hash collision. Nibble first char, and recurse.
return ((TrieMap)cVal).get(key.substring(1));
if(cVal instanceof Leaf) {
// cVal contains a user datum, but does the key match its substring?
Leaf cPair = (Leaf)cVal;
if(key.equals(cPair.mStr)) {
return cPair.mVal; // Return user's data value.
return null; // Not found.

* Simple example test program.

public static void main(String[] args) {
// Insert a bunch of key/value pairs.
TrieMap trieMap = new TrieMap();
trieMap.put("123", "456");
trieMap.put("Java", "rocks");
trieMap.put("Melinda", "too");
trieMap.put("Moo", "cow"); // Will collide with "Melinda".
trieMap.put("Moon", "walk"); // Collides with "Melinda" and turns "Moo" into a prefix.
trieMap.put("", "Root"); // You can store one value at the empty key if you like.

// Test for inserted, nonexistent, and deleted keys.
System.out.println("123 = " + trieMap.get("123"));
System.out.println("Java = " + trieMap.get("Java"));
System.out.println("Melinda = " + trieMap.get("Melinda"));
System.out.println("Moo = " + trieMap.get("Moo"));
System.out.println("Moon = " + trieMap.get("Moon"));
System.out.println("Mo = " + trieMap.get("Mo")); // Should return null.
System.out.println("Empty key = " + trieMap.get("")); // Should return "Root".
System.out.println("Moose = " + trieMap.get("Moose")); // Never added so should return null.
System.out.println("Nothing = " + trieMap.get("Nothing")); // Ditto.
trieMap.put("123", null); // Removes this leaf entry.
System.out.println("After removal, 123 = " + trieMap.get("123")); // Should now return null.
trieMap.put("Moo", null); // Removes this prefix entry. (Special case to test internal logic).
System.out.println("After removal, Moo = " + trieMap.get("Moo")); // Should now return null.
trieMap.put("Moon", null); // Internal test of branch pruning.